
The Past - Verb to be

We are studying the past of the verb to be. It's very easy. Answer these questions and use the correct form. Write complete sentences

1. Where were you born?
2. When were you born?
3. Where were you at 5pm yesterday?
4. Where were your classmates at 9am last Wednesday?
5. Where was your brother/sister last summer?

Now, let's play a game. Click here and choose the second (2nd) game. How fast can you form the sentences? Enjoy! Write your score in the comment box.


  1. My score:
    Tries:64 Hits:63 Misses:1 Time:101.05sec

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I was to cordoba
    I was 26th on July
    I was in my house
    We were in our class
    We were to Isla Cristina

    my score:

    Tries: 64 Hits: 61 Misses: 2 Time: 103,07 sec

  4. My score is:
    Tries:78 Hits:67 Misses:13 Time:107.57sec.
    I was to cordoba
    I was 20th of march
    I was in Córdoba
    We were in class of HLD
    We were to Torre Del Mar in Málaga

  5. I was born in cordoba
    I was born 19th july 2003

    I was at home
    they were at HLD class
    he was at fuengilola

    my score is
    time:260,02 sec

  6. I was born in Cordoba
    I was born 3th february 2003
    I was at home
    They were at HLD class
    He was at Venidod
    Tries 83 hits 63 misses 20 time 157,53 sec

  7. I was born in Córdoba.
    I was born on the 19th of April.
    I was in my house, playing with my dog.
    They were at school.
    He was in Cádiz.

  8. Tries: 65.
    Hits: 63.
    Misses: 1.
    Time: 79,45.

  9. My score is:
    I was born in Cordoba
    I was born on the 16th of october
    I was at home
    They were at school
    He was in Almeria

  10. I was born in Córdoba.
    I was born on the 3rd of April 2003
    I was at home , playing with my sister
    They were studying music
    She was in Almería

  11. My score is :
    Misses :1
    Time : 82,39

  12. I was born in Cordoba.
    I was born on the 13th of March of 2003.
    I was at my grandparents house.
    They were at the school.
    She was in Malaga with me.

  13. My score is:
    Tries: 64
    Hits: 64
    Misses: 0
    Time: 91,35

  14. My score is:
    Tries: 64
    Hits: 64
    Misses: 0
    Time: 91,35

  15. I was born in Cordoba.
    I was born on the 13th of August of 2003.
    i was in my piano's class
    You were in our class.
    I haven't got a brother or sister but I was in Benidorm with my uncle and aunt.

  16. I was born in Cordoba.
    I was born on the 13th of August of 2003.
    i was in my piano's class
    You were in our class.
    I haven't got a brother or sister but I was in Benidorm with my uncle and aunt.

  17. My score is:
    Tries: 65.
    Hits: 63.
    Misses: 1.
    Time: 79,45.

  18. I was born in Cordoba
    I was born on the 28th of August of 2003
    She was in Malaga with me.

  19. I was born in Cordoba
    I was born on the 28th of August of 2003
    She was in Malaga with me.

  20. I was born in Cordoba
    I was born on the 28th of August of 2003
    She was in Malaga with me.

  21. I was born in Cordoba
    I was born on the 28th of August of 2003
    She was in Malaga with me.

  22. I was born in Cordoba
    I was born on the 28th of August of 2003
    She was in Malaga with me.

  23. I was born in Cordoba.
    I was born in 17th of March of 2003.
    I was at home.
    They were in language lesson.
    He was at Madrid with me and my parents.

  24. I was born in Cordoba.
    I was born in 17th of March of 2003.
    I was at home.
    They were in language lesson.
    He was at Madrid with me and my parents.

  25. I was born in Córdoba.
    I was bron in 28th of March of 2003.
    I was at home.
    They were in language lesson.
    He was in Malaga.

  26. I was born in Córdoba.
    I was born on the 2nd of June 2003
    I was studying
    They were in the school
    She was in Chipiona and Malaga

    Tries: 69
    Hits: 63
    Misses: 6
    Time: 88.12 sec

  27. My score is
    Tries: 79
    Hits: 63
    Misses: 16
    Time: 87.58 sec

    I was born in Cordoba.
    I was born on 10th of January 2003.
    I was at my house.
    They were at the school.
    They were in Fuengirola with me.

  28. My score is
    Tries: 79
    Hits: 63
    Misses: 16
    Time: 87.58 sec

    I was born in Cordoba.
    I was born on 10th of January 2003.
    I was at my house.
    They were at the school.
    They were in Fuengirola with me.

  29. I was born in Cordoba
    I was born in 6th of February 2003
    I was in my house
    We were in class of HLD
    They were in Islantilla

  30. My score is
    Tries: 79
    Hits: 63
    Misses: 16
    Time: 87.53 sec

  31. I was born in Cordoba.
    I was born on the 14th of March of 2003.
    i was in my transverser flute class
    You were in our class.
    I haven't got a brother or sister but I was in Benidorm with my family

    1. My score is:
      Tries: 79
      Hits: 63
      Misses: 16
      Time: 87.59 sec

    2. I was born in Córdoba.
      I was born on the 7th of March os 2003.
      I was do a natural work
      They were at school.
      She was in the "Islas Baleares" and "Benidorm".

  32. Tries:64 Hits:63 Misses:1 Time:101.05sec

  33. I was to cordoba
    I was 26th on July
    I was in my house
    We were in our class
    I am an only child

  34. I was to cordoba
    I was 26th on July
    I was in my house
    We were in our class
    I am an only child

  35. Tries:85 Hits:63 Mises 22 Time:72.97

  36. I was born in Córdoba.
    I was born on the 8th of February of 2003.
    I was at home.
    We were in class of HLD.
    I haven't got a brother or sister

  37. I was born in Córdoba.
    I was born on the 8th of February of 2003.
    I was at home.
    We were in class of HLD.
    I haven't got a brother or sister

  38. Tries:85 Hits:63 Mises 22 Time:72.97

  39. Tries:85 Hits:63 Mines:22 TIME:73.90


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